Mar 10

There are so many social websites popping up everyday. It seems the world of social networking is changing faster than the speed of light. By the time you get up the nerve to try one site the next thing you know that site is “sooooo 46 seconds ago”. Even the once “big players” are trying to catch up. With all the abandoned myspace pages, sites like twitter and facebook have to make sure you don’t loose interest, which may be why I keep logging on to find my profiles have changed. They keep offering new features and updating the old ones. Never know what to expect anymore.

I recently joined Pinterest. As an artist my first question was “What about copyright laws?” Within a day or two I was reading about them coming under attack from people who felt their work was being used illegally. The same questions came up when I joined google+ So it remains to be seen who will still be standing when the legal dust settles on these new ways of socializing. I’ve got a feeling there’s a long debate coming and not much chance of stopping these sites that are daily gaining in popularity. I now can PinIt SpringIt or Google+It right from my bookmark bar. Speaking of which my absolute favorite is Springpad. Springpad offers me so much business organization between my tablet and my laptop I can’t believe its a free app. I make notes on my computer and without syncing my tablet it updates automatically to my tablet. Free cloud computing???? Whichever I love it!

Ok having said all that which sites are the best. Well I’m not sure you’ll agree but here’s my current list.

1. Facebook – With nearly a billion users facebook tops my list. I came to facebook for business and discovered a wonderful way to stay connected to my extended family.

2. Twitter – When I first joined I couldn’t get enough now I’m not on as much but I update my page and check to see what’s hot fairly often.

3. YouTube – I haven’t uploaded any videos yet but I love watching videos. Not only music and funny stuff but youtube is packed full of how to videos and things that help me in my search for information.

4. Linked In – I was a little slow to build interest in this site but they kept trying to get my attention until I finally started to see how it could actually be good for me. I now keep my linked in page on my to do list. Checking on groups and businesses that benefit my business

5. SpringPad – I think this will quickly become my number one. It’s not a social site in the traditional sense but there is a community and the great benefit is being able to organize business tasks and lists along with being able to pin to project boards. Makes projects pretty and keeps me connected on my tablet to anything I’m working on. For some reason they keep telling me I have to wait to be approved to be connected to the community. No problem I like it the way it is.

6. Google+ – I’m new to this one but I like the way it allows you to promote the things you find online that you love.

7. Pinterest – Very cool way to connect to people I otherwise would never have met through our joint interests. Doesn’t require building intimacy like many social sites. You don’t have to know the people you follow you can connect and keep moving. It’s a great way to get people to go to your blog or website. It’s not about long term relationships it’s about sharing your interests through images and comments.

8. Meetup – Love this one it should be higher in the list but time doesn’t allow me to attend many meetups. Total strangers are willing to come together you help you learn things free of charge. Amazing opportunities and sometimes just the opportunity to have some fun. I’m a part of a vegetarian group that gets together once a month to eat at restaurants that have great vegetarian choices.

This is only a few of the social sites I use and these are my top choices right now. Businesses are connecting trying to increase their revenue. Is there really money to be made? So if you had to add to this list which sites would you choose and why let me know. Share your business success stories. I’d love to check them out. Oh and by the way I like that you come back to facebook and tell me what you think but it would be cool to get some comments on the blog itself….lol

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Feb 10

Like many small business owners you have questions about copyright laws. What are your rights? What can be protected and how do you protect your creation? Here is a link to some of the best easy to understand answers you can find. COPYRIGHT BASICS This information is provided by the United States Copyright Office.

Not only can you learn about the basic but when you visit the USCO website you can apply directly from the site to register your work. It includes all the information you need to get your work submitted including info about fees and file submission.

Like many companies there will be times when you need to know what the copyright laws are. Knowing when you are infringing on someone else’s rights is just as important if not more important as knowing your own rights. Don’t find yourself in the middle of a legal battle because you didn’t know the law. The information you need is well organized and right at your fingertips. For more information visit:

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Feb 08

So often we fail to see the most obvious of our resources, so it helps if you know where to look. Believe it or not you are already paying for great services. For all the complaints we may hear about how our tax dollars are being put to use one amazing use is the SBA but it won’t help if you don’t know it. The U. S. Small Business Administration offers a full site of information and resources to help you start and build your business. Everything from sample business plans to legal advice. Want to know how to get licenses and permits go here. Did you know the SBA and the Office of Women’s Business Ownership collaborate with many organizations to make the best possible resources available to women entrepreneurs. Whether you are a woman interested in starting a business, applying for a business loan, finding government contraction opportunities, or improving as existing business. They offer local resources that are specific to your area no matter where you live within the United States. Tax tips, tutorials and the list goes on and on. They can actually assist in paring you with business mentors and programs that teach you many things.

Want to know more about what the SBA can do for your business check out this video of Warren Brown Washington D.C. 2006 Small Business Person of the Year. Click link below to view video.
SBA Delivering Success Entrepreneurial Spirit

Want to know more?

One of my goals is to keep my blogs brief while delivering you information that gives you a huge bang for your buck (yeah I know its free) but time is money. If I can save you time while informing you of the need to know information for your business…MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

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Jan 14

Sometimes doing anything for the first time can be a scary experience.Certainly starting a new business or hiring a graphic designer for the first time can be challenging. The courage to launch out into the deep can be difficult but like so many times before once you do it you wonder why you were so apprehensive. you just have to take the first step.

AYMgraphics wants to help demystify the process of doing business and more by sharing great information, tips and resources with you that will make these processes easier. If you are a seasoned business owner we want to help you stay up to date in the fast changing world of technology as it relates to graphic, web design and marketing or anything that we think will help you with the process of building and growing a successful business.

Welcome to our first time blogging, even though this is a seasoned graphic design firm this is the first blog on our newly redesigned website. Hope you enjoy the tips we share. Feel free to ask questions and don’t forget to visit our FAQ page. 2012 is going to be a great year. We’ll be there to help you through many of your business firsts.

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